Thread Number: 12515
Hoover Turbomaster - Finally Completed the full line up!
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Post# 133814   4/23/2011 at 16:05 (4,976 days old) by turbomaster1984 (Ripley, Derbyshire)        

turbomaster1984's profile picture
Hi guys,

Well 4 years ago the search for one Turbomaster was difficult enough.

So here we are today after countless avenues explored and fights battled and won who would of guessed Id be here typing this to show you guys the results of % 90% perseverance 9% perspiration and 1% prices postage and packing! lol.

Really does just go to show that all the dream stuff is out there and to get it you really must look!

Anyway here we go.

Story starts when this beauty had its own little dating column on a local internet rag.

U5094 Total System.

Felt just lucky to own this one but something inside nagged and I wanted more!

Post# 133817 , Reply# 1   4/23/2011 at 16:07 (4,976 days old) by turbomaster1984 (Ripley, Derbyshire)        

turbomaster1984's profile picture
Then a friend located me the ultimate dream machine for me.

The U5096, the childhood machine!

And so she was displayed alongside the U5094 which was also a childhood machine owned by Gran Stubbs.

Post# 133827 , Reply# 2   4/23/2011 at 16:19 (4,976 days old) by turbomaster1984 (Ripley, Derbyshire)        

turbomaster1984's profile picture
Soon others came flocking in,

Word got round, friends helped out where they could and even random emails from strangers seeing other threads id made here offering me models I had not already got!

We finally hit a stumbling point when all the Core models were located and it was just down to 1 exclusive. 1 Exclusive or so we thought.

Searching a scrap yard I found what I thought was a U5096 but closer inspection proved it was a little more.

Seems to be either an Export model OR an electricity board version that never got advertised. I like to think its the latter and seeing as their is no mention in literature or service manuals elsewhere I will probably always believe that.

One thing still nagged and that was finding the elusive (not too elusive seeing as one example turned up last year to Al Kerr) Carmargue Grey Leccy Board Special,
My aunty Carole had one of these in her early days of marriage and i had never seen one elsewhere at all. Seems they really are rare birds.

One last stab at owning one saw me finding a fellow collector selling one on ebay last week and I hope he dosnt mind me saying that it was a filthy minger of a machine having been stored in a garage for yonks on end unloved and uncared for.

We decided to take a chance and buy it, well anything is always better than nothing especially when you really do have nothing.

Roll to yesterday when she came!

Excitedly took her out of the box and admired her shabbyness, for something looking so glum she still managed to smile and with some TLC and a lot of elbow grease and a lot of bleach, polish, cream cleaner up she came clean shiny and feeling brand new!

So here we have the U5120 Carmargue Grey Leccy board special Turbomaster total system!

Post# 133828 , Reply# 3   4/23/2011 at 16:20 (4,976 days old) by turbomaster1984 (Ripley, Derbyshire)        

turbomaster1984's profile picture
And so the happy story continues,

All lined up in a row!

Post# 133838 , Reply# 4   4/23/2011 at 16:49 (4,976 days old) by pinkge (Indianapolis,Indiana)        
Alsolutely Fabulous...

Turbomaster you rock on with those Hoover Turbor's.Cool collection.

Post# 133841 , Reply# 5   4/23/2011 at 16:55 (4,976 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        
Great Turbo...

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Great Turbomasters.....:o)


Post# 133845 , Reply# 6   4/23/2011 at 17:18 (4,976 days old) by hooverbaby (Dalton in Furness, UK)        
Let's see now..

hooverbaby's profile picture
From left to right: U5132, U5096 X 2, U5132, U5094, U5120, U5080, U5078 & soft bag U4362. Am I right?

There is however one missing, which is the C1314 Commercial?

Fabulous line-up BTW!


Post# 133867 , Reply# 7   4/23/2011 at 18:14 (4,976 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture

Fabulous! They're all lookin' so pretty.

Post# 133868 , Reply# 8   4/23/2011 at 18:41 (4,976 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
I just love the look/ style of those machines, did we have anything like it in the states? Looks related to the Elites? Love em.

Post# 133906 , Reply# 9   4/23/2011 at 22:24 (4,976 days old) by Automatic-Shift ()        

Interestingly, these were known as the Innovation in the US, and were made in the UK. I didn't know Hoover had such a wide range. I think they are quality machines, and the US ones are really quite rare, as they were very expensive new back in the early '90's.

Post# 134185 , Reply# 10   4/26/2011 at 12:31 (4,973 days old) by turbopowerpaul (UK)        

Ho do Guys.

Thanks for the kind words re mine and Rob's Turbomasters.

Three and a bit years ago, Rob was thinking he was never going to see let alone own a Turbomaster again. As he said though, years of searching has finally paid off with the arrival of the U5120.

Hi Stephen - yep - Rob missed out one word from the thread title - the word 'domestic'.
We are missing the C1314 Commercial Turbomaster, so the search hasnt quite finished just yet. Though I wont be holding my breath that one will ever surface. Keeping our fingers crossed though.

With your model numbers, you are right! There was me thinking that the officially converted U5132 Permabagless Freedom might throw a spanner in the guessworks. Silly me - forgot that it has 'freedom' emblasoned on its hood.

The second U5096 is a weird one, as it has the elctricity board autoflex symbol on its door rather than the coat of arms. Any ideas as to why this is/might be?

The line up in daylight...

Post# 134186 , Reply# 11   4/26/2011 at 12:34 (4,973 days old) by turbopowerpaul (UK)        

The U4362 and U5078.

I am waiting for Rob to plumb his printer in, so I can print off the new Turbomaster badge for the U4362's handle (the handle is a brand new one, but minus the badge)...

Post# 134187 , Reply# 12   4/26/2011 at 12:35 (4,973 days old) by turbopowerpaul (UK)        

left to right - U5094, U5120 and U5078...

Post# 134188 , Reply# 13   4/26/2011 at 12:36 (4,973 days old) by turbopowerpaul (UK)        

left to right - converted U5132 (was permabag, but changed to bagged), U5094 and U5120...

Post# 134189 , Reply# 14   4/26/2011 at 12:38 (4,973 days old) by turbopowerpaul (UK)        

left to right - U5132 freedom, U5096 and then the slightly unusual U5096 with the leccy board symbol...

Post# 134191 , Reply# 15   4/26/2011 at 12:41 (4,973 days old) by turbopowerpaul (UK)        

The Electricity Board exclusive U2334 Autoflex Turbopwer (with the leccy board symbol on the hood) and the U5120...

Post# 134192 , Reply# 16   4/26/2011 at 12:43 (4,973 days old) by turbopowerpaul (UK)        
& finally...

the missing link, in the form of the C1314 Commercial Turbomaster. Will one ever surface?


Post# 134517 , Reply# 17   4/28/2011 at 17:50 (4,971 days old) by hooverbaby (Dalton in Furness, UK)        
I had the opportunity..

hooverbaby's profile picture
to buy the paper bag conversion kits when they were brand new..and it was only space and spare cash that stopped me. I used to get a good deal from TMS on Genuine Hoover parts but AFAIK, they eventually went out of business?

I can remember converting a smaller Turbopower Permabag U2662 machine; one came in from a guy I used to do the garden for. I rebuilt it with a new back box and bag door etc that came with the kit.

There must be a few of those C1314s out there surely? Good luck Paul!


Post# 134518 , Reply# 18   4/28/2011 at 18:12 (4,971 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill (Birthplace of the Railway),England, UK.)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Great set there boys, glad to see all the hard work payed off!!!, that floodlighting pic could come straight out of a stage demo setup!!!

Never seen a commercial, but on the balance of everything ONE surely must be out there!!!

Happy hunting!!!

Post# 342700 , Reply# 19   2/2/2016 at 15:46 (3,230 days old) by AlexHoovers94 (Manchester UK)        

alexhoovers94's profile picture
I just got myself that (rare?) Electricity bored exclusive Turbomaster Total System U5120, very excited about it, hope it gets here okay.

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